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英语口语之In a bind

时间:2012-03-21 14:26来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor

        In a bind 处于困境
        Also, in a box or hole or jam or tight corner or tight spot. In a difficult, threatening, or embarrassing position; also, unable to solve a dilemma.All these colloquial terms allude to places from which one can't easily extricate oneself. The phrase using bind was first recorded in 1851; box, 1865; jam, 1914; tight spot, 1852.
        eg: He quit without giving notice and now we're really in a bind.
        In a bind的意思是出于困境,也可以说in a box,in a hole, in a jam, in a tight corner或者in a tight spot,形容人们感到事情难以解决、受到威胁或者左右为难。以上所说的所有表达的大意都是陷于一种无法轻松摆脱的不良境地。bind是 先被使用的, 早记录是1851年,之后1865年出现box,1914出现jam,1852出现tight spot.




