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时间:2019-09-12 13:58来源:朗阁小编作者:南京朗阁


  Haircut Jeans

  Concentration Voice

  Walking Languages

  Perfume Routine

  Reading Smile


  Visit relativesMath

  Market Garbage

  Social network Borrowing/ lending

  Travel Hometown

  Accommodation Work or Study




  Describe a person who is good at his or her job

  Describe a person who often travels by plane


  Describe a film you would like to share with your friends

  Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

  Describe an advice you received on choosing your major or work

  Describe a gift that took you a lot of time to prepare

  Describe an experience that you enjoyed an indoor game

  Describe something you borrowed from others


  Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger

  Describe an occasion when you celebrated your achievement

  Describe an experience that you visited a friend

  Describe an occasion when you met someone for the first time

  Describe the happiest day you have ever had

  Describe a time you enjoyed a free day off work or school

  Describe an experience that you won a prize

  Describe a time when you visited a park

  Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others


  Describe a school you went to in your childhood

  Describe a place where you read and write (not your home)

  Describe a place you remember well that is full of color

  Describe a new public place you would like to visit

  Describe a sky you would like to see


  Part 1:

  九月**场口语考试,题库还未稳定,所以本次考回仅选取本季度目前收集到的新题和确定会留在库里的5-8月考题呈现给大家。不出我所料,雅思出新题的方向越来越偏向时尚和抽象类了。以part1的make这个话题为例,我们首先要查询一些自己可能不太掌握的关于化妆品的单词,比如Lipstick 口红/ Nail polish 指甲油 / Foundation 粉底 / Eyeliner 眼线笔 / Eyelash curler 睫毛夹/ Eye shadow 眼影/ Mascara 睫毛膏/ blush 腮红等等。其次就是使用比较个性化生活化的语言,结合细节去表达自己~

  比如Do you give makeup as gifts? 这道题。汪老师给大家一个女生版本的sample answer:

  Actually I do. (谈个人情况)Although I am just an ordinary student who’s always on a tight budget, it’s not that difficult to save for a lipstick and send it to my bestie. (细节+感受)For instance, a Dior tote bag might cost an arm and a leg, but a Dior lipstick wouldn’t be that pricey. Just 400 yuan and my bestie would be on cloud nine!


  实话实说雅思口语题真的变难了。除了一些常规的回库题比如玩具,室内游戏以外,出现了从来没有考过的“describe a sky”这样的很难去描绘和解释的题目。请大家一定要紧跟***新题库,抓紧时间练习。如果实在没有头绪,可以利于bing.com这个不需要翻墙的搜索引擎去搜寻一些英文的参考资料,会对自己的素材有所帮助哦~


  9月**场考试,很多考生出来跟我说“整个人都懵了”。的确本季度题目是偏难的…… 诚然,中国考生拥有题库,P1和P2几乎所有题目我们都是了若指掌的。但也正因为如此,雅思**对于中国内地的考生的要求也比其他国家和地区要高。口语真的没有太多捷径。不断练习,修正,反复训练自己的肌肉熟练度,才是通向胜利的必要条件。总之祝下场考试的烤鸭们一切顺利!




