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时间:2023-09-27 16:29来源:朗阁小编作者:jasmine

  小作文: 动态图(线图)

  大作文: Some people think that dangerous extreme sports such as skydiving and rock climbing should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1.本次考试 难度中等。


  Task 1:动态图(line)线图是1980-2010年不同年龄段人群去博物馆一年一次及以上的百分比。

  注意:1. 注意动态图的分段逻辑问题,以及动态特征点是否抓取完整。2. 注意正文段落是否将趋势变化的信息所呈现的特点清晰展示出来。3.线图为动态图,要注意除了动态表达以外,还要做出恰当的横向对比,提高题目的回应度。相关表达:

  1. A +increase/decline steadily from +数据1 +to +数据2+ in three years.

  2. A+ start at 数据1,and then drop to the bottom at 数据2

  3. A +decrease sharply in 时间,plunging to just +数据

  Task 2 :社会类




  In this new age world, there are numerous amount of sports that we get to see. Some masses believe, that descending from the sky and mountaineering are dangerous, and hence there should be a ban on them. I completely disagree with their opinion and will support my view with examples.


  On one hand, there are some outdoor activities that are considered threatening.(给出本段主旨句,提出极限运动的风险). Some of them are bungee jumping, rock climbing and diving from the sky.(举例蹦极,攀岩,跳伞等) However, most of them have some risks associated. For instance, football players have a risk of getting a concussion and F1 drivers might get into a fatal accident because of the speed with which they drive. (因为在运动的过程中受伤的风险更高,且致命性高)I believe people should have the freedom to enjoy sports according to their liking. Putting a ban on them, not only takes the privilege away from the citizens but Also takes away the livelihood of some.(任命应该根据自己的喜好选择运动的类型,完全禁止不仅剥夺公民的权利,而且会导致有些人失去维持生计的方法)


  On the other hand, such activities require dedication and practice on a large scale.(这样的运动其实需要很大程度上的投入与练习) In addition, there are rigorous training and certification sessions, that are mandatory for those who are interested. (除此之外,严格的训练都是强制性的)For example, institutions conducting these programs are recognized by the government and have a set of rules and regulations that need to be followed.(从事这些运动培训的机构都是由政府的一系列规章制度来监管的) As a result, their teaching programs are of high standards. Furthermore, while performing these activities there is a guide always presented with them.(从事该运动同时会有指导在旁边)


  In conclusion, although some sports entertainments are considered to be fatal, in my opinion, they should not be banned because the administrative body takes enough steps to ensure that they are safe to pursue, and individuals have all the right to follow any sport according to their wish.








