小作文:柱图+饼图 (组合图) 大作文:Many people feel that most of the urgent problems can only be solved by international cooperation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(报告) 朗阁讲师点评 1.本次考试 难度比较难 2.整体分析: Task 1:组合图 2010,2015,2025年,30-35岁租房和自己有房的数据。 注意: 本次小作文难度中等。 1、选择四段分段方式:开头段,结尾段,主体段两张图分两段。 2、表格中的数据不要都呈现出来,要选择主要信息进行描述或者对比。 重点表达:趋势表达类句式,数据倍数或者相似类对比句式。 3.Task 2 :单边议论文 题目翻译:有些人认为大部分紧急的问题,都应该通过国际合作来解决。你在多大程度上同意还是不同意? 这道题相信大部分同学都会选择写赞同,因为论点和论据更容易想到,这里提供一些参考思路: 1.一些urgent problems 本质上是全球问题: Many of the world’s most urgent problems are global in nature and cannot be solved by individual countries alone. For example, climate change is a problem that affects every country on the planet, and it requires a coordinated effort from all nations to address it. Similarly, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us that diseases do not respect national borders, and only through international cooperation can we hope to contain and eradicate them. 2.国际合作可以集全球资源和好的主意为一体,更好解决一些复杂的问题 International cooperation can bring together the best minds and resources from around the world to solve complex problems. For instance, the International Space Station is a testament to what can be achieved when countries work together towards a common goal. The ISS has been instrumental in advancing our understanding of space and has led to numerous scientific discoveries that would not have been possible without international cooperation. 考试建议 1.小作文:饼图等动态数据图需要格外关注;流程图和地图也需要适当学习; 2.大作文:社会类考题仍然是关注的重点;其中科技和犯罪类话题需要多留意。 |