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时间:2024-03-05 18:23来源:朗阁小编作者:jasmine



  Part2 题目汇总


  Describe a great team member you worked with.

  Describe a person you know who likes to talk to a lot.

  Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his/her home.

  Describe a sportsperson you admire.

  Describe a successful business person you admire.

  Describe a foreigner who speaks Chinese very well.

  Describe a person you know who likes to cook for others.

  Describe a person who always has interesting ideas or opinions.

  Describe an interesting person you never met but you would like to know

  more about him/her.


  Describe a movie you felt strongly about.

  Describe an item you lost and finally found.

  Describe a uniform you wear (at school, at work).

  Describe something you do regularly to help you work or study.

  Describe a skill that you learned as a teenager.

  Describe a job that you would not like to do in the future.

  Describe a long-term goal you would like to achieve.

  Describe a useful object in your home that you cannot live without.

  Describe a good advertisement that you think is useful.

  Describe a photo that makes you feel happy.

  Describe a rule that is important in your school or at work.

  Describe a piece of good advice that you gave to someone.

  Describe a drawing/painting that you like.

  Describe an area of science (biology,robotics,etc.) that you are interested in and would like to learn more about.


  Describe a time when you helped someone.

  Describe a time you were very busy.

  Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places.

  Describe an outdoor activity you did.

  Describe an occasion when you used a map.

  Describe an usual holiday you had.

  Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed.

  Describe an interesting activity that you remember enjoying most in your primary school.

  Describe an interesting conversation you had with an elderly person.

  Describe a time when some people near you made a lot of noise.

  Describe a time you bought something from a street market.

  Describe a time that something changed your life in good ways.

  Describe a bad service you received in a restaurant/ shop.

  Describe an activity that made you feel tired.

  Describe a difficult task that you completed at work/ study that you felt proud of.

  Describe a party that you enjoyed.

  Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing.

  Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer.

  Describe an exciting activity that you experienced with someone else.


  Describe a place you would like to relax.

  Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved.

  Describe a beautiful city.

  Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.

  Describe a park or a garden in your city.



  Part1部分是考试的**部分,也是**初步了解考生的***初过程,所以请各位同学务必重视,给**留下一个好的**印象很重要。part1建议大家每道题准备三句话左右的答题长度,太长有可能会被**打断,但更不可每道题只回答一句话甚至几个单词,因为很容易被**判定为没有答题交流能力。本季度中news, advertisement等话题还是需要一定的词汇积累量的,因此希望大家备考时多积累素材,考试时才能保证答案的流利度。


  Part2部分,本季度的整体话题量依旧保持在49题,同学们在备考时切忌掉以轻心,类似于movie, painting等话题对于很多同学来说还是有一定难度的,因此像前面提到的,备考期间的素材积累很重要,但同时也不建议大家死记硬背完整的大段甚至整篇文章,还是推荐去写一些keywords以及main ideas,平时多练习表述以及转述能力,考场上发挥时才会比较稳定,答题的完整性和连贯性才能有保证。






