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时间:2012-03-20 10:03来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor

        51. 盲人路 The blind leading the blind.

  52. 规则有例外 An exception to the rule.

  53. 人多好办事 Many hands make light work.

  54. 机会不再 Opportunity only knocks once.

  55. 历史总是重演 History tends to repeat itself.

  56. 忠言逆耳 Advice most needed is least heeded.

  57. 大军出动,粮草先行 An army marches on its stomach.

  58. 如无近虑,必有后忧 Better be safe than sorry.

  59. 死有重于泰山,有轻于鸿毛 Beter to die with honor than live with shame.

  60. 良药苦口 Bitter pills may have blessed effects.


