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时间:2016-08-29 14:50来源:朗阁小编作者:don




小作文: 两个柱状图。(2003年澳洲5-14岁的男孩和女孩参加文化和体育活动的百分比)

大作文: Some people think it is more important to plant trees in open areas in towns and cities than to provide more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1. 本次考试难度中等。

2. 整体分析: Task1 静态图Task2 环境/城市类话题

3. Task 1



•此外像这类涉及到不同性别的题目,还可从性别差异(gender difference)的角度考虑,把性别差异由大到小的进行排列和比较


占:make up, take up, account for, represent, constitute…

比例:proportion, percentage, share…

对比:in/by contrast, in contrast to, in comparison, compared with, (on the other hand)…

突出数据:the most obvious/apparent/highlighted figure is for… It is clear/noticeable that…

比较级: higher, lower, larger, smaller…

高级: highest, main, major, the most, the lowest/smallest…

推荐练习:剑4 Test 3和剑5 Test 2的小作文



Some people think it is more important to plant trees in open areas in towns and cities than to provide more housing. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


题型:Opinion (agree/disagree)

写法:可以选择比较strong的观点(完全同意或不同意),也可以选择balanced opinion。这道题比较易写的观点是“同意种树重要,在住房需求满足的情况下”。这样可以一个主体段写多种树的好处证明其重要性,另一个主体段写如果居住需求紧急时则情况不同,可以优先建房屋。


Introduction: 背景引入+ 观点

观点参考:同意种树重要,在住房需求满足的情况下。I agree with the view that if housing supply in a city has surpassed demand, the open areas should mainly be covered by trees.


Main Paragraph 1:写种树的好处,比如可以考虑到对气温的调节作用、对空气质量的影响、美学价值等。可以考虑和建房屋的效果对比。


①     多种树可以增加绿化面积,减少城市热岛效应(increase green space and help mitigate the urban heat island effect),从而起到调节气温的作用,(with more trees planted, the outside temperature can be adjusted to a lower level),让人们感到加舒适。


②     树木可以过滤空气中有害物质(filter toxic substances out of the air / act as a giant filter),使城市居民呼吸到新鲜的空气(which means residents in the green city can enjoy more fresh air)。如果想要减少空气质量恶化带来的某些健康问题(如呼吸系统疾病),种植树木将是有帮助的。If we want more people to stay away from certain health issues (such as respiratory disorders) caused by the deterioration of air quality, tree planting can definitely help. 而建造房屋则没有这样的作用(and this is something housing construction cannot contribute to).


③     在open space种植树木还有一个益处就是美学价值(aesthetic value)。人们喜爱观赏自然,尤其在如今自然景观难得一见的城市中(People enjoy viewing nature, especially when it is otherwise extensively deprived, as is the case in urban environments.) 树木作为green infrastructure替代房屋建筑(grey infrastructure)。


Main Paragraph 2:然而在住房需求没有得到满足的情况下,情况则有所不同。(Of course, when the majority of residents in some towns and cities cannot be provided with comfortable housing, it is a different case.) 因为住房是人们生存的基本需求之一,因此此时建造房屋应当优先。(As shelter is one of the most important elements for human survival, it should be considered as a priority in these places.) 而当居住需求不紧急时,就优先种树。(As long as shelter is not an urgent problem, then greenery can be prioritized for open areas.)


Conclusion: 总结+ 重述观点

房屋建造和树木种植在现代都市生活中都不可或缺(play important roles),但当大部分城市居民有屋可住时在open space多种植树木(open spaces ought to be given to trees.)


1. 小作文:重点关注线图、地图

2. 大作文:多关注科技,犯罪类话题。

3. 重点浏览11-14年写作机经,可借助《范文书》第7版经典旧题来复习。





