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时间:2022-03-18 14:16来源:朗阁小编作者:jasmine



  Part2 题目汇总(加粗题为高频题)


  Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about.

  Describe a person who contributes to the society.

  Describe someone you really like to spend time with.

  Describe a person who you follow on social media.

  Describe a famous person you are interested in.

  Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school.

  Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like.

  Describe a creative person whose work you admire.

  Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known you think is interesting.

  Describe a famous athlete you know.

  Describe a business man you admire.

  Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way.


  Describe a skill that you learned from older people.

  Describe something that you can’t live without.

  Describe a course that impressed you a lot.

  Describe something you received for free.

  Describe a house or an apartment you would like to live in.

  Describe a special cake you received from others.

  Describe an interesting song.

  Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friends.

  Describe a rule that you don’t like.

  Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you.

  Describe a story someone told you and you remember.

  Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend.

  Describe something that you are interested to learn or improve.

  Describe a skill that was difficult for you to learn.

  Describe an item on which you spent more than expected.

  Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop.

  Describe a difficult decision that you once made.

  Describe a good service you received.

  Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading.


  Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved.

  Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully.

  Describe a long walk you ever had.

  Describe a thing you did to learn another language.

  Describe a time when you gave advice to others.

  Describe a time when you moved to a new home/school.

  Describe a difficult thing you did.

  Describe an activity you usually do that wastes your time.

  Describe a time when you felt proud of a family member.

  Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen.

  Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go.

  Describe a time when you got up early.


  Describe a place in a village that you visited.

  Describe a city that you think is very interesting.

  Describe a time you visited a new place.

  Describe a place you visited on vacation and would like to recommend to others.

  Describe a cafe you like to visit.


  Part 1:

  Part 1这个部分作为热身阶段,需要大家认真对待,3-4话题,每个话题3-4个问题,每个问题需要大家答题20-25s的内容,说话一定要自然,切记生硬背诵答案。准备题目时,可以适当写出关键词,基本话题三选一的hometown, work or study, accommodation一定要熟练熟练再熟练哦。








