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时间:2023-08-23 18:08来源:朗阁小编作者:jasmine

  小作文: 组合图(线图+表格)

  大作文: Some people think more public money should be spent on roads and motorways than on public transport systems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


  1.本次考试 难度中等。


  Task 1:组合图(line+table)线图是平均工作时长,各时间段比较; 表格是带薪休假的平均天数

  注意:1. 注意组合图的分段逻辑问题,以及组合图之间是否存在相互联系。2. 注意正文段落是否将趋势变化的信息所呈现的特点清晰展示出来。3.线图为动态图,要注意除了动态表达以外,还要做出恰当的横向对比,提高题目的回应度。相关表达:

  1. A +increase/decline steadily from +数据1 +to +数据2+ in three years.

  2. A+ start at 数据1,and then drop to the bottom at 数据2

  3. A +decrease sharply in 时间,plunging to just +数据

  Task 2 :政府类




  It is argued that money should be spent on developing roads and motorways rather than on public Transport systems. Personally, I think both thoroughfare and public transportation systems have vital roles to play in modern society, and therefore should be equally invested in.


  1. 公路修建可以大大提高道路安全以及缓解交通堵塞(On the one hand, better roadway quality increases the level of safety and reduces traffic congestion.)

  2. 用具体的事例论证(In many cities and provinces in Vietnam, for example,the number of subway accidents has been ever-increasing because there are a lot of holes on the trail’s surface. This is a clear evidence that the government should spend money improving the quality of boulevard systems in order to ensure the safety of people)

  3. 进一步论证公路的修建带来的实际好处(Additionally, building wider roads and more motorways in big cities like Ha Chi Minh, where traffic congestion is still a major problem, will help to increase thoroughfare capacity. It means that there will be more space for a larger number of vehicles, Hence reducing pressure on the city’s main roads as well as congestion.)


  On the other hand, better public transport systems are beneficial for the environment and people who do not have a private vehicle.(公共交通对于环境友好且对没有私家车的人来说有好处) In fact, some modes of public transport like subways produce less pollutants than cars and other private vehicles. (公共交通产生的污染物相比于汽车要少)Therefore, spending money providing people with access to public transport will improve air quality and reduce pollution. Furthermore, for those who do not have a private vehicle, such as motorbike or car, buses and subways are a great choice if they have to travel every day.(对于每天要出行的人来说,公共交通是更好的选择)


  By way of conclusion, I once again reaffirmed the position that, money should be well-spent on not only the road but also public transport systems.








