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时间:2012-02-28 17:26来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor


grey 灰色

brown 棕色

black and white 花白色

black and blue 青一块紫一块

mao suit 中山装

I’m going to wear my mao suit.

Is that all right? 合不合适?

All my clothes are dirty,I don’t have anything to wear. 我所有的衣服都脏了,没什么可穿的。

dirty 脏

I have nothing to do 。没什么可做的。( eat 吃;wear 穿; say说)

This dress doesn’t fit me any more. 这件衣服不合身。

fit sb. well 合身

This shirt fits me well.

This pair of shoes fits me well.

don’t fit sb.

This coat doesn’t fit me.

dress 女士套装

downcoat 羽绒服

overcoat 大衣

furcoat 皮衣

sweater 毛衣

shirt 衬衫

blouse 女衬衫

pants 裤子

a pair of pants 一条裤子

T-shirt T恤衫

shorts 短裤

skirt 裙子

sandals 凉鞋

sunglasses 墨镜

underwear 内衣

windbreaker 风衣

casual clothes 休闲装

jeans 牛仔服

cleaners laundry 洗衣店

I have two suits to send to laundry. 我有二套西服要送洗衣店。

Your shirt are wrinkled,you ought to have them cleaned and pressed. 你的衬衫皱了,应该送去洗并烫一下。


