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时间:2019-01-08 11:14来源:朗阁小编作者:kid



  Films/MoviesMorning Routine


  Drinking waterStars

  HometownWork or study

  AccommodationTea and coffee

  The area you live inGift

  Public holidayMusic


  Sleep Sports






  Describe a person when you wanted to be similar to when you were growing up

  Describe an old person who is interesting

  Describe someone you would like to work/study with

  Describe an intelligent person you know

  Describe an interesting person that you would like to meet

  Describe someone that you’ve never met but want to know more

  Describe a teenager that you know

  Describe a person who helps to protect the environment


  Describe an ideal house

  Describe a newly built public facility

  Describe a beautiful city that you know

  Describe a place that you study

  Describe an interesting part of your country


  Describe a time you enjoyed your free time

  Describe a time you taught something new to a younger person

  Describe a time you received horrible service

  Describe something you do to help your study or work

  Describe a situation when you didn’t have time for

  Describe a time when someone didn’t tell you the whole truth

  Describe a success your friend has achieved

  Describe a time when someone gave you money as a gift

  Describe an important decision you made with the help of others

  Describe an experience that you were scared

  Describe an occasion that you borrowed something from friends or family members

  Describe a time that you had some medicine

  Describe a complaint that you are satisfied with the result

  Describe a time when you looked for information on the Internet

  Describe a vacation (trip) (away from home) you would like to have in the future


  Describe a subject you used to dislike but now have interest in

  Describe your grandparent’s job

  Describe a kind of food people eat during a special event

  Describe a healthy lifestyle you know

  Describe a kind of outdoor sport that you played for the first time

  Describe a historical period you like to know

  Describe something lost by others but found by you

  Describe a present you received which was made by hand

  Describe a book you want to write

  Describe a piece of good news you heard

  Describe an item you bought but do not often use

  Describe a book that you recently read

  Describe a film or TV program that makes you laugh

  Describe an important plant in your country

  Describe something given to you that you really need

  Describe an activity that you do when you are alone in your free time

  Describe a good law in your country

  Describe a successful family business that you know

  Describe an interesting talk or lecture that you heard recently

  Describe an occasion when a home appliance broke down or stopped working

  Describe a skill that takes you long time to learn

  Describe a something you made that you gave to others

  Describe a language (except English) that you want to learn

  Describe a game that you liked in your childhood


  Part 1:

  万众期待的新题季再一次到来。本次见到了不少几年前考过的老朋友,如sleep、public holiday、handwriting、email等。此外,也一如我之前总结2018题库时所推测的,抽象类新题又一次到来:sharing、patience……以后抽象题估计会成为雅思官方出part1新题的主要添加方向之一。这样的题目恰恰是考验学生化虚为实的能力,结合生活来举例和给细节是必须要做到的,否则答案听起来就会很“空”。

  此外,part1很重要的还有相关语汇的掌握,只有胸中有货才能应对自如。比如patience这个话题中,形容一个人没有耐心、比较冲动可以说impulsive,情绪化是emotional,任性是capricious,三思而后行是think twice……如果只会impatient这样的形容的话,也许并不能很恰当而多样化地去表达自己。


  本季度的题目实在不能算简单。上季度的难题“重要植物”“好的法律”“家族企业”等还牢牢占据位置不撒手,而回炉重造的经典难题“历史时期”竟然又再次出现了…… 这里汪老师想对大家说,解决“历史时期”这样看似宽泛严肃的题目,一定不要太“散”。要记住,一共只有两分钟时间,面面俱到的结果就是什么都讲不好。不如以小见大,由点及面,同时把素材说得有趣味有意义。

  比如我们讲唐诗没问题,但别总讲李白杜甫,不妨谈谈了解唐朝的渠道和契机,古今对比,生活化一些,你好讲,考官也好理解。比如看了央视的“中国诗词大会”这档优秀的综艺节目(variety show)而对唐朝有了更多的兴趣和感悟(inspiration and excitement)。当选手站在台上镇定自若接“飞花令”时,这恰恰就是唐诗传承的最好证明(heritage)。而这个素材还能串本季度的其他话题,如朋友取得的成功(上电视去比赛)、曾经不喜欢现在喜欢的课程(历史)、教导晚辈(教他背唐诗)……







