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时间:2020-12-21 17:47来源:朗阁小编作者:jasmine




  Recycling Text message

  Weekends Sports


  Furniture Handwriting

  List In a hurry

  Picnic Hometown

  Public transport Celebrity

  Gifts Fish

  Shopping Meeting new people

  Discussion Famous people

  Part2 汇总 (加粗题为高频题)


  Describe an occasion that you forgot an important thing.

  Describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event.

  Describe a time you first communicated with others in a foreign language.

  Describe an experience when you enjoyed an indoor game in your childhood.

  Describe a time when you got lost in a place you did not know.

  Describe a time when you are surprised to meet a friend.

  Describe a time when you saw a child behaved badly in public places.

  Describe a dinner that you really enjoyed with your friends.

  Describe a time when you learned from a mistake you made.

  Describe a time when a family member asked you for help.

  Describe a time you were scared by an animal.

  Describe a time when you changed an important decision you made.

  Describe a good decision you made recently.

  Describe a time when a friend told you something you are not interested in.

  Describe something you enjoy doing with a group of people.

  Describe a time when you worked in a group.

  Describe someone or something that made a lot of noise.

  Describe one of your exciting events.

  Describe an activity that you attend occasionally but a little expensive.

  Describe a time that you won an award or prize.

  Describe an occasion you wore the best clothes.

  Describe a volunteering experience you have had.

  Describe a risk you have taken which had a positive result.

  Describe a (long) car journey you went on.

  Describe an occasion when you wasted your time.

  Describe an time you planted a flower or a tree.


  Describe a person who is full of energy.

  Describe a person you know who is intelligent.

  Describe a family you like.

  Describe a person you are happy to know.

  Describe an old friend you got into contact again.

  Describe an old friend you keep in touch with again after losing contact.

  Describe a person who is openly.

  Describe a person who taught you something when you were a child.

  Describe a person who likes to help others.

  Describe a friend who is a good leader.


  Describe a photograph you like.

  Describe an area of science you are interested in (e.g. biology, physics, chemistry, etc.).

  Describe a piece of good news you received.

  Describe a skill that you learned when you were a child.

  Describe a movie that made you laugh.

  Describe an ambition you prepare for a long time.

  Describe a book you read that you found useful.

  Describe a sentence or a few words from a poem or a song in your memory.

  Describe a tradition in your country.


  Describe a city or town you enjoyed visiting and would like to visit again.

  Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about.

  Describe a place you visited that has been affected by pollution.

  Describe a public place you have spent the most time in.

  Describe a country you would like to work for a short time.

  Describe a place where you are able to relax.


  Part 1:

  本季度part1里的题目recycling是一道非常时髦的话题了,结合了现在政府的垃圾分类政策。主要的难点集中在学生对于垃圾分类的单词不是很熟悉,导致不是很容易回答出高分答案,这里给大家补充一些有用的高分词汇哦,tackle climate change, minimize the waste sent to landfills and incinerators(垃圾焚烧). Conserves natural resources, valuable lessons about sustainability, leave the cleaner world for future generations. Showing children how to recycle properly is like passing the baton(指挥棒) to them for a cleaner and brighter future. Decomposition for years, form an environmental-friendly habit, waste disposal, sort out the garbage,同学们可以自己翻译一下,想一想有哪些词组可以用在问题的回答当中呢。


  本周考试有一个高频提“describe a time when you did not enjoy the music in an event. ”这题其实是一个非常好展开的题目。对于很多学生而言,可能第一个跳进脑海的是一首不喜欢的曲子,从而产生审题错误,但事实上,这个题目是一个事件类的话题,主要谈论的是事情,而不是具体哪一首音乐或者歌曲,我们完全可以说一些和自己的生活片段的素材。比如说,有喜欢的歌曲和歌星,所以去买了票,好不容易挤了进去,结果里面人山人海,完全找不到地方坐,整个人很崩溃,然后灯光音响效果不是很令人满意,就是满怀希望而去,悻悻而归这种经历比较好讲,而不要去描写这个音乐是什么样子的,那就变成了物品类的话题了。







