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4月18日雅思考试阅读回顾 P1俄罗斯芭蕾舞发展史 P2事件记忆 P3green market 朗阁讲师范利文点评 1. 本次考试难度偏难。 2. 整体分析: 二篇为旧题。涉及历史(P1)、科学类(P2)。 3. 主流
3 月 28 日考试写作回顾 独立写作题目 : Do you agree or disagree with the statement: It is better to finish a project completely and then do another project than do two or more projects at the same time. 朗阁讲师王艳点评
3 月 28 日托福考试阅读回顾 Passage 1 坝( bar )、冲积扇 (alluvial fan) 、三角洲( delta )的形成。 段讲上游( upstream )和下游 (downstream) 沉积物( sediment )的比较,点沙坝( point
2015 年 3 月 28 日考试口语回顾 Task1 : If you have money to donate to the local community, which will you donate to? 1) local library 2) animal sanctuary Task2 : Is it important to students to have some work experience, for exa
2015 年 3 月 28 日考试听力回顾 Conversation 1 学生要在校内卖艺术品 商店不允许 然后给学生建议哪里去卖 有三种渠道 公开展出 online 门卖这种的集市 Lecture 1 艺术 介绍静物画 要讲究真
3 月 21 日雅思考试写作回顾 小作文: map 大作文: Some people believe famous peoples support towards international aids organizations draws the attentions to problems. Others think celebrities make the problems less important.
3 月 21 日 雅思考试阅读回顾 P1 发现新大陆 P2 CSR ( corporate social responsibility ) V140515 P3 心理学 self-image 朗阁讲师徐航点评 1. 本次考试 难度中等偏上。一旧。 2. 整体分析: 涉及历史考
3 月 21-22 日雅思考试口语回顾 Part2 高频题目汇总 (频率由高至低依次排序) A piece of good news you heard from TV or the internet Something you do to keep healthy Someone who is good at cooking A place that is ful
03 月 21 日雅思考试听力回顾 S1 求职应聘 S2 美术馆参观 S3 关于药物的反馈演说 S4 沙漠中的城市建设 朗阁讲师张岩点评 本次考试 难度不大。 场景:四部分均为主流场景,求职工作、旅
2015 年 3 月 7 日考试写作回顾 A 卷 独立写作题目: Some people believe going on field trips is better for childs education,while others think it is better for children to study in the classroom at school,which one do you


