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常见的sat阅读修辞法 你知道有谁吗

时间:2017-07-21 11:45来源:朗阁小编作者:don

在sat考试阅读部分,哪些修辞方法,是 常用的呢?



  定义:A figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis or effect。它是通过夸张的描述而达到某种修辞效果。


  定义:A figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis, and therefore the opposite of hyperbole, Often used in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions.这种sat阅读修辞格是故意使用有节制的措辞来陈述事实,故意轻描淡写,借低调与弱化语言形式来表示强调。


  “I take further comfort in the fact that the human species managed to produce pretty decent creative work during the 5,000 years that preceded 1710, when the Statute of Anne, the world’s first modem copyright law, passed the British parliament. Sophocles, Dante, da Vinci, Botticelli, Michelangelo, Shakespeare, Newton, Cervantes, Bach-- all found reasons to get out of bed in the morning without expecting to own the works they created.”

  The use of the phrase “pretty decent” conveys

  A.solemn detachment

  B.cheerful celebration

  C.ironic understatement

  D.lingering doubt

  E.reluctant approval

  作者想要告诉读者:在世界上部知识产权法到来之前的几千年历史长河中,人类也创造了“pretty decent(还不错的)”艺术作品。很显然,文章结尾的那些伟大艺术家的名字使我们立刻了解到作者所谓的“还不错的”艺术作品并不是他字面的意思,他真实的意思是想表达历史上有很多非常伟大的艺术作品。他运用了一种轻描淡写的方式来表达,而这种方式就是understatement.



  It's the freedom," she offered. “That vastness when you stand on the mountains overlooking the desert-you can sense how little you are m comparison with the world that surrounds you At the same time, you feel that the possibilities are limitless. "It was as if she had read some of my inner diary. That was it. That was the feeling I'd had ever sine I'd first seen the mountains of my new home I trembled inside, hoping that this woman who captured the essence of the desert itself wouldn't just send me away with a pat on the head, as adults do. I saw in her a true friend. Again,my life would change with just a few simple words.

  The paragraph contains ____

  A. personification B. a metaphor C. a paradox D. metonymy

  这一段落讲的是,站在山上俯瞰沙漠,你会觉得自己很渺小,但同时,你又会感到有无限的可能在前面。一般来说,你觉得自己很渺小时,是不能感到无限的可能的。所以,这里就是一个paradox. 所以,应该选C。



