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时间:2012-03-23 11:23来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor

        托福阅读的关键是在于多看多练,同学们在日常练习中应该重视托福阅读材料的分析。为了帮助广大考生好的复习,为大家整理提供托福阅读材料: 《垃圾食品与抑郁症》,供各位考生复习参考。
  预防和攻克抑郁症或许有很多手段,但是 近的研究发现少吃垃圾食品能有效减少抑郁症的发病率。

  Eating food containing trans fats and saturated fats could contribute to depression, scientists reported.


  Researchers in Spain followed 12,059 people over six years, analyzing their diets, lifestyles and medical problems. The people who ate the most trans fats, which are commonly found in pastries and fast food, had a 48% increased risk of depression compared with people who did not eat trans fats.


  Individuals who ate a lot of polyunsaturated fats -- a healthier type of fat that is found in olive oil, for example -- had a lower risk of depression.


  Many people with heart disease also have depression, the authors noted. It could be that trans fats contribute to both disorders through a similar mechanism. Bad fat increases inflammation in the body. In the heart, that contributes to the buildup of plaque that can cause heart disease. In the brain, substances secreted by inflammation may interfere with neurotransmitters that affect mood.



  neurotransmitter [,njuərəutrænz'mitə, -træns-] n. [生理] 神经递质;[生理] 神经传递素



