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时间:2015-05-06 13:37来源:朗阁小编作者:don

不妨举一个例子来说明,我们人有很多的特点,然而大家很多关注的就是Sexy Lady和Hot Man, 为什么?简单的说就是他们给我们一种视觉上的愉悦感,是他们的外表吸引了我们的注意力,这就是感染力。还有一种人那就是,他们没有非常出众的外表,也没有 很火辣的身材,但是他们通过自己的内涵吸引了观众的注意,就是我们所说的“气质型”美女或者帅男,同样可以达到愉悦观众的心理。

  再来说我们的写作,我们的写作中有两项是类似于帅哥辣妹,那就是LR和GRA即用词和语法多变,这是一目了然的内容,是不是有很好的多样的用词或者多 样的句式,直接给读者以震撼,那就是说我们在写作中可以用这种方式来烘托出你自己。然而,事实是,不是每个人都是帅哥辣妹,就是说不是每个人都有很华丽的 辞藻,多变纯熟的句式,所以我们的雅思写作也就需要我们从内涵上来提升自己。那就是对应了评分的TR和CC即逻辑个连贯。

  在回归我们的段,那么我们怎么才能够让我们的开门就能红,让考官耳目一新呢,可以通过以上两种方式,也就是要么用词语法,要么有内涵的思维逻辑。 有些培训机构的老师管这叫扯淡,或者说是无稽之谈,很多学员也觉得段嘛,无所谓,稍加介绍就可以了嘛,但是我想说,有些老师说可以,他们有能力在后面 的主题段中很好的展示自己的英文功底,但是不是每位考生都有这个胜算的,所以首段还是用点小伎俩吧。我们管老师的这种无所谓的靠头叫“姜太公钓鱼,愿者上 钩”绝对自信型,因为他们是老师,那我们屌丝学员如何应对呢?


  逐个加以解释,追根溯源,就是分析一个观点出现的原因,其实我们很多的写作话题都是社会现象,必然有它的一个背景性的原因在里面,那我们就可以分析了,举个例子来说明问题,题目Foreign tourists should be charged more than local people when they visit cultural and historical attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

  如何追根来引出话题呢,我们给出一个示范The continuing boom of the international tourism which is to a large extent derived from the advancement of long-distance air travel has made it more available for people to travel further, however the up surge of the tourists is blamed for damaging of the historical sites, thus many reach the consensus that the foreign tourist should be charged more as one way to constrain the deteriorating of historical attractions. for my part, however, it is too rash to make such a decision concerning the following.


  另外从对比上分析,分为时间性对比和地域性对比,那么就我们这个题目来讲,我们同样可以用时间性对比,例,Gone are the days when people travel on horseback for several to a tourist destination; we, contemporarily, can get to every corner within several hours by the high efficient flight, which give a great push to the boom of international tourism which is considered to contribute to the damage of the local historical sites. Therefore some advocate the high charge on the foreigners, which, from my part, is a rash decision. 时间性对比就出来了。

  另外就是细节特征描述,也是很好的一个方法,比较难,但是比较能够挑战个自我,还是这个题目,我们给出它的细节描述,The wonder and desire of the historical sites such as the great pyramids in Egypt, the warrior terra cotta in china and the garden in the heaven in Babylon attracts explorers all over the world to visit, which is blamed for the damage of the sites, thus some consider the higher charge on the foreigner so as to protect the tourist destinations. While for me, I consider it as a rash decision to make.

  当然还有就是叙事性开头了,可以是新闻故事的描述,可以是某个现象的陈述,同一题目,再来看一例子,when you are wandering in the street, particularly in the historical cities, you would be astonished to be encountered with so many foreigners surrounding you, which is thought to be brought by the continuing international tourism. Whereas, this may to some extent lead to cultural invasion as well as architectural vandalism, leading to the view of higher charge on the foreigners. While I think this is far from being a root conclusion.

  纵观以上几个开头,似乎有点长了,但是我们是照顾到句式的处理。有一个值得一提的是我们不在使用所谓的模版套句,套用模版是在当下雅思写作考试当中的 大忌,所以我们可以用我们独一无二的思维逻辑,也就是我们的气质美告诉考官我们跟别人不一样,以这样的方式开头,正在为写作犯愁的烤鸭们,我想结果会让你 们大吃一惊的。不妨试试吧!



