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时间:2012-04-09 16:18来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor

       在前一段时间有人给iphone4加了个三镜头插件,使得iphone4可以完成鱼眼、长焦以及广角的效果。变身单反。现在又推出了 新的iphone单反插件,让iphone4也能作为单反相机使用。该插件有两个版本,分别是F-mount adapter专为尼康镜头设计,而EF-mount adapter则可以搭配Canon EOS镜头。该插件有两个部分,分辨是装在iphone4身上的机壳和与镜头配套的连接头。只要花249刀您就可以买入“旅游穷三代,单反毁一生”的快乐小日子。以下是阅读:
        If you’re in love with your iPhone 4 and use it as your go-to camera for everyday pics, but meanwhile, your SLR lenses are gathering dust, you may want to explore a way to get the best of both worlds. If you want to expand the camera capabilities of the iPhone 4, a new lens mount that accepts SLR lenses just might be the answer to your prayers.While this adapter gives you a world of different choices for phone photography, there are a few drawbacks, including the fact that because the iPhone camera is mirror-less, all photos will be upside down (which can be solved using an app), and it is necessary to manually focus so that you’re not just taking close-ups of the focus screen on the mount. But considering how much more amazing your phone photos will be, those are pretty small drawbacks.

  There are two versions of the mount adapter, an F-mount adapter for Nikon, said to work with all Nikon lenses, and an EF-mount adapter for Canon EOS lenses. Made from aluminum, the iPhone SLR Mount also has two loopholes on each end of the case for a camera strap, and sells for $249 at Photojojo.



