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时间:2012-04-09 16:19来源:朗阁小编作者:sailor


  谎言一 "Me? I graduated top of my class."

  This is a classic case of the runaway male ego, designed to present a man in the best light and impress a woman. When the lies continue into marriage, it's not long before the truth will out.

  谎言二. "Of course I like your friends!"

  A man I know told his girlfriend, "You're a great cook — much better than my mother." In fact, his mother is a chef at a well-known New York restaurant. Fortunately for him, by the time his girlfriend discovered the truth — when they dined at his mother's restaurant — she was so in love that she forgave his overzealous compliment.

  谎言三. "Honey, you're the best."

  In the first rush of romance it makes sense for a man to engage in exaggerated praise of a woman's beauty and sexuality. But "you're the best" lies can paralyze a relationship.

  谎言四. "No, I can't call you. I don't even know where I'll be."

  These are the sad lies, the ones he tells because he's falling out of love. The more quickly a woman seeks the truth behind these lies, the sooner she can remedy the relationship — or, if necessary, end it.

  谎言四. "That dress isn't too tight. It looks great!"

  By and large, these are the good lies — the ones that show he cares. But kind lies can be too much of a good thing if a man habitually says only what his partner wants to hear. It sets the woman up for rude awakenings.



