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GMAT 2014攻略
一. 2014 上半年考点预测 技巧点拨 1. GMAT 考试新题型 GMAT作为全球唯一的为商科和管理业研究生入学设计的标准化考试,自2012年改革以来,删减掉了写作的analyze an issue,添加了i
学雅思 来朗阁,转眼又到2014年,那么我们来看看在2013年雅思写作有哪些值得总结的。纵观小作文,Bar延续了2012年的高频出题节奏,而且以目前情况来看,比2012出题次数多,在2、
在雅思口语题库当中,童年是一个常见的主题,part1中出现过childhood,part 2中要求考生描述童年的game、story、toy等等。在此,来选择game这个主题 南京朗阁雅思 给大家来谈谈如何解题。
Imported GM soybeans flood Chinese market
Soybeans. It is not just vegetarians who eat them. The humble legumes are used to make tofu, cooking oil and animal feed. They are also a daily necessity for most Chinese.But large numbers of the countrys farmers are abandoning the crop, sq
Eating nuts makes people live longer
People who ate a daily handful of nuts were 20 percent less likely to die from any cause than those who didnt consume nuts, a U.S. study said Wednesday. The research, published in the U.S. journal New England Journal of Medicine, also found
English in Mind 听力小tips
南京朗阁外语培训中心 公共英语部 黄梦月 有些同学对于EIM的学习感到迷茫,课后也会有很多同学问:EIM的学习对出国类的考试有帮助吗?回答是肯定的。或者,有些同学把应试性的学
考试日期: 2013 年 10 月 19 日 Part 1 考题总结 考题总结: Self-introduction and personal information Whats your name? What does it mean to you? What names are popular in your culture? Are there many people who have the same
考试日期 2013 年 10 月 19 日 总体评析 两新: Section 13 两旧: Section 24 重点关注 Section 1 旅游场景 ; Section 2 学校活动; Section 3 学术讨论; Section 4 介绍非洲游牧民族 ; Section 1 版本号
考试日期: 2013.10.19 类别 Line Chart 题目 The line chart below shows the percentage of different age groups in the UK who went to the cinema once a month or more between 1984 and 2003. Summarize the information by selecting and re


